
Suppose we have two binary classifiers and want to compare their predictive performance. The simplest approach may be to evaluate the accuracy of each classifier. Much ink has been spilled about the flaws in this approach, but I believe most of the alternatives commonly used in the machine learning community are not much better. Instead, I advocate testing probability estimators, not classifiers, using a metric like the Brier score.

The difficulty

To evaluate the accuracy of a classifier, we have a test set $\mathcal X$, and for each classifier we evaluate

$$\frac{1}{|\mathcal X|} \sum_{x\in\mathcal X} [p(x) = c(x)] . $$

Here $p(x)$ is the class predicted by the classifier and $c(x)$ is the actual class. For a proposition $P$, $[P]=1$ if $P$ is true, and $[P]=0$ otherwise.

Thus the accuracy is the probability of correctly classifying a randomly chosen data point.

One of the problems people sometimes point to with accuracy is that it doesn’t take into account the fact that the distribution of the classes may be different in the real data compared to the training or test data. I don’t take this complaint seriously. If your training data is not distributed more or less like your real data, or at least if you don’t have some idea how the real data differs from the training data, your problem is hopeless to begin with.

A more substantive complaint is that scoring by accuracy doesn’t take into account the fact that different problems may have different loss functions. For some problems, a false positive and a false negative may be equally bad (and for such a problem accuracy is actually a perfectly good metric!), but for other problems, they may not. Imagine a preliminary medical test for a serious illness in which a positive result means the patient goes for more extensive and more accurate testing, while a negative result means the patient goes home and never gets tested again. In this scenario, a false negative may be much worse than a false positive. If the illness is rare, a classifier may simply always predict negative, earning a high accuracy score and yet being absolutely worthless!

Several alternative metrics have been proposed to address this problem. Most of them, in my opinion, miss the mark. The ROC curve has a better idea, and the related AUC metric reduces it to a single number. However, in my opinion this metric overcomplicates the issue and is difficult to interpret. Indeed, as far as I know there are no theoretical guarantees that a better predictor (in the sense I discuss below) will get a better AUC score.

A better idea

The reason why we have these difficulties evaluating a classifier is that classifying actually consists of two steps: probability estimation (estimating the probability that our data point falls into each class), and classication proper (using the estimated probability and our loss function to pick a class). The second step is easy: just pick whichever class gives us the lowest expected loss based on our estimated probability. But the second step is also the one which varies from problem to problem, and which causes all the difficulties in evaluating classifiers.

Instead of evaluating the classifier, we should be evaluating the underlying probability estimator. If the algorithm does a good job of estimating the probability for each class, then we can easily translate that into good classifications given a loss function. Fortunately, a metric to evaluate predictors has already been developed. Actually, it was developed over sixty years ago by the weather forecasting community. It’s the Brier score. In the Brier score, we evaluate a probability estimation on a test set $\mathcal X$ by

$$\frac{1}{|\mathcal X|} \sum_{x\in\mathcal X} (f(x) - o(x))^2 . $$

Here $f(x)$ is the predicted probability of $x$ being of a desired class $C$, while $o(x)$ is 1 if $x$ is indeed of class $C$ and 0 otherwise. Thus an algorithm will get a better (that is, lower) Brier score by giving a high probability to the outcomes that actually appear in the test set, and it can expect to achieve the best possible score by predicting the correct probabilities (in the terminology of decision theory, it is a proper scoring rule).

Conveniently, the Brier score is already available in sklearn. Give it a try.