$$\newcommand{\P}{\mathbf P}$$


E.T. Jaynes was a physicist at Washington University in St. Louis. He died in 1998, but his book Probability Theory: The Logic of Science was posthumously published in 2003 from his unfinished manuscript. The book is not so much about probability theory as a mathematician would understand the term, but instead is an introduction to Bayesian statistical inference. Moreover, Jaynes takes an unusual starting point for his theory, completely discarding traditional measure-theoretic probability theory, and instead basing his inferential procedures on the notion of probability theory as an extended logic.

To illustrate this difference, consider the common introductory problem in probability (which Jaynes also uses) that begins with colored balls in an urn. Suppose there are 2 red balls and 3 white, and we are to reach into the urn and pull out a ball. If I were a traditional probabilist, I might create a sample space consisting of the five items ${R_1,R_2,W_1,W_2,W_3}$, corresponding to the outcome that we drew the first red ball, the second red ball, the first white ball, and so on. Then I would assign probabilities to each outcome: in the absence of any additional information, it seems the reasonable thing to do is to assign equal probability to each outcome, and thus each one is assigned the probability $\frac 1 5$. Then if I were to ask myself, “What is the probability I will draw a red ball?“, I would proceed by letting $C$ be the random variable into the space ${R, W}$ that maps each $R_i$ to $R$ and each $W_i$ to $W$. The probability that I will draw a red ball is $\P[C=R]=\P[C^{-1} ( R)]=\P[R_1]+\P[R_2] = \frac 2 5$. Of course in practice we wouldn’t need to do everything quite so explicitly for such a simple problem, but that’s the underlying process.

In contrast, Jaynes assigns probabilities directly to propositions. Thus, he might assign the probability $\frac 1 5$ to each of the propositions I drew the first red ball, I drew the second red ball, and so on. Then, based on certain quantitative rules for probabilistic reasoning Jaynes introduces in Chapter 2, he concludes that the probability of the proposition I drew a red ball is the sum of the probability of the propositions I drew the $i$th red ball for $i=1,2$, or $2 5$. In this way Jaynes (claims to) circumvent the entire measure theoretic apparatus of probability theory.

I like a lot of things about this book, and in fact found its perspective enlightening. I might write a later blog post about that. However, this post will focus on several things I do not like. Jaynes has a lot of complaints with modern mathematics. He doesn’t think mathematics is in a “healthy state.” This is all a lot of nonsense, based on misunderstandings that were resolved within mathematics over a century ago, and well understood by essentially every mathematician today.

Jaynes believes his approach to inference circumvents the need for measure theory. And, indeed, in finite examples like the urn described above, measure theory is entirely unnecessary. But those examples are not why measure theory was created: measure theory was developed to handle difficult applications involving infinity and limits. That brings us to our first topic.


Jaynes displays a considerable amount of anxiety about limits and infinite sets. I’m not sure if he would have described himself as a finitist, but his statements certainly resemble that philosophy. His worries resemble those of early 19th century mathematicians, and seem completely anachronistic today. To a modern mathematician, there is a simple and precise definition of the term limit, which has been extensively tested and found to capture exactly the features one wants limits to have. In taking a limit operation, a mathematician simply ensures that the result follows from the definition.1

For Jaynes, there appears to be no definition of a limit and no precise way to ensure that one’s limiting procedures are acceptable. Instead, when one must take a limit, one must use ad hoc methods to arrive at the result (with a few vague guiding principles), and carefully check that one’s results correspond with intuition.

In section 15.2, Jaynes illustrates that one cannot sum an infinite series by arbitrarily rearranging and cancelling terms the way one naively might expect. He gives the impression that this is a phenomenon not understood by modern mathematicians, who are frequently making errors due to taking limits incorrectly. This is of course absurd. Every student of mathematics who has understood his elementary real analysis class knows that this is not a valid way to sum series, because it does not follow from the definition of a limit. There is no need to follow Jaynes’s vague dictum, “Apply the ordinary processes of arithmetic and analysis only to expressions with a finite number $n$ of terms.” There is only a need to understand what a limit actually is.

Cox’s Theorem

This book brought the so-called Cox’s Theorem to my attention. In Jaynes’s description (which occupies parts of Chapters 1 and 2), this theorem asserts that if we wish our probabilistic reasoning to follow certain intuitively obvious rules, we have no choice but to follow all the rules of probability theory as described in the book.

The problem, as is often the case with non-mathematician writers writing mathematical works, is that Jaynes never clearly states the theorem. I understand that many casual readers of mathematics are turned off by the Theorem-proof format that mathematicians often use. It can be boring or intimidating or otherwise a turnoff. But its great advantage is that it encourages the writer to clearly and precisely state his claim and its proof.

Instead, Jaynes states a very vague, rough version of the theorem, but freely introduces extra hypotheses throughout his proof. I still don’t actually know exactly what the theorem says (someday I will read Cox’s work to find out).

Bogus nondifferentiable functions

In the latter half of the 19th century, mathematics was becoming more rigorous, and the sometimes incomplete, fast-and-loose reasoning used since the era of Newton and Liebniz was being shored up with new techniques. In the course of this rigorization process, mathematicians discovered previously unknown strangely behaved functions, such as the Weierstrass function. These functions provoked some amount of consternation in the mathematical community at the time, but gradually it was realized of these functions that

  1. they do indeed exist and have interesting properties, so why not study them?

  2. they are actually useful and necessary for some theories; for instance, if you want a reasonable mathematical theory involving the Dirac delta, your theory must include every continuous function, including the nowhere differentiable ones.

In the appendix B.5.3, Jaynes discusses nondifferentiable functions. His thesis in this section is hard to discern, but he seems to make the following points:

  1. nondifferentiable functions are useless, and mathematicians are foolish for spending so much time on them;

  2. the delta function is very useful, and mathematicians are foolish for not utilizing it;

This is inane for a variety of reasons. Most obviously, mathematicians use the delta function extensively and have developed the theory of distributions (or generalized functions) around it.

Beyond that, points 1 and 2 are obviously in conflict. The delta function is the ultimate representative example of why functions that were formerly considered badly behaved are important. In fact, the delta function is so badly behaved that it’s not actually even a function!

At the end of this section, Jaynes writes

Note, therefore, that we stamp out this plague too, simply by defining the term ‘function’ in the way appropriate to our subject. The definition of a mathematical concept that is ‘appropriate’ to some field is the one that allows its theorems to have the greatest range of validity and useful applications, without the need for a long list of exceptions, special cases, and other anomalies. In our work the term ‘function’ includes good functions and well-behaved limits of sequences of good functions; but not nondifferentiable functions. We do not deny the existence of other definitions which do include nondifferentiable functions, any more than we deny the existence of fluorescent purple hair dye in England; in both case, we simply have no use for them.

At this point I have to wonder if Jaynes ever read a work by a mathematician written later than 1920, because all modern mathematicians are very clear about which functions their theory applies to, and freely ignore other classes of functions. The differences between what mathematicians do and what Jaynes proposes are

  1. mathematicians tend to carry around a label referring to the class of functions under discussion; a mathematical work might consistently refer to ‘analytic functions’, rather than just saying at the outset ‘in this work all functions are analytic.’ In practice this is a much better approach; how is a casual reader turning to the middle of your book supposed to know that when you say ‘function’ you mean ‘analytic function’? Besides, what if the author needs to occasionally refer to non-analytic functions?

  2. mathematicians actually give clear definitions. Jaynes seems to believe that he can just say ‘good function’ and the reader will somehow know which functions he considers good. He also thinks he can say ‘well-behaved limits’, and the reader will know what he means. This is bizarre, since he includes the delta function but excludes continuous nondifferentiable functions, when by any reasonable definition the latter are much more well-behaved.

Measure theory

In section B.7, Jaynes discusses the Hausdorff sphere paradox. This is the theorem that there are three congruent subsets $X,Y,Z$ of the sphere such that their union nearly covers the sphere, and such that each of $X,Y,Z$ is also congruent to $X \cup Y$. Jaynes says, “We are… puzzled by how mathematicians can accept and publish such results; why do they not see in this a blatant contradiction which invalidates the reasoning they are using?”

Apparently Jaynes’s reasoning goes like this: subsets of the sphere are like pieces of an orange peel. Since I can’t divide an orange peel up into pieces $X,Y,Z$ that have the characteristics of those subsets in the Hausdorff sphere paradox, there must be something wrong with the mathematical framework that produced the Hausdorff sphere paradox. The point that Jaynes has missed is this: arbitrary subsets of the sphere are not good mathematical objects for modeling pieces of an orange peel. Instead, measurable subsets of the sphere are what one should use for modeling pieces of an orange peel. Measurable subsets don’t exhibit this behavior.

Here’s an analogy. Imagine you are teaching calculus. A student comes to you and says,

“I need to make a mathematical model of the motion of this train along its track. What mathematical object can I use for this purpose?”

You say, “Ah, you want the functions $\mathbb R \to \mathbb R$. The independent variable is time, and the dependent variable is the position of the train on the track.”

Student: “Okay, great. Hey, wait a minute though! There are functions that behave in crazy ways! Discontinuous functions and all kinds of weird stuff. My train doesn’t jump around like that! Isn’t this an indication that something is wrong with mathematics?”

You: “No, nothing is wrong with mathematics. By all means you can use only the continuous funcions if that’s all you need, but the other functions are still there for those who need them.”

Similarly, the fact that there exist nonmeasurable sets is not an obstacle to modeling phenomena like orange peels. If you don’t need nonmeasurable sets, don’t use them, and you won’t ever have to worry about phenomena like the Hausdorff sphere paradox.


There’s plenty more wrong with Jaynes’s view of mathematics and mathematicians, but this seems sufficient for this blog post. It’s really unfortunate that such an interesting work is marred by these inane, ill-informed digressions about the nature of mathematics.

  1. Actually, the situation in general is more complicated. There are different types of limits, and which limit is appropriate depends on several factors. However, this is a complete nonissue in the mathematically simple problems Jaynes consider. [return]